Paint. The thing that can change the energy of a house like no other material out there. You want to fit in with the summer? You utilize warm and hot colors. You want your home to mesh with the earthy tones of autumn? Well, you simply use fall colors. Paint has a way of transforming something that was originally thought to be un-transformable – and we should know; we do this for a living! There have been many projects we’ve been a part of where a homeowner has simply looked at their house with a look of confusion and fear. “My property can’t be transformed,” they would mutter to themselves – while we understand their apprehensive and lack of faith, you should see the look on their faces after we are done painting. It truly appears to be a miracle in some instances.
That’s the power of paint and now it seems that people are trying to apply that to American symbols that represent a government that some don’t agree with, as expressed in this article in Bizpac Review.
Carmine Sabia writes, “It seems there is no piece of American history liberals won’t tear down in the name of ending racism – no matter how ludicrous the idea is. Conservative activist and author Mark Dice took to the streets of San Diego to see if liberals would sign another one of his ridiculous fake petitions, this time painting the White House brown or black to end white supremacy.”
That is a crazy prank, don’t you think? Regardless though, we can’t help but feel the absurdity of this idea suggests that paint has a strange power over us. Seeing one color may elicit a different reaction in us than another color. It all depends on the person. In this case, there are those who see the White House as being something inherently racist, that changing the color may do wonders for people’s attitudes. What do you think? Of course they won’t be changing the color of the White House, but do you agree that paint and colors hold a magical sway over us? Now imagine having that magic applied to your own home!
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